Everyday life can get expensive. Whether you’re supporting a family or just trying to make ends meet for yourself, your spending habits add up fast. We found sites that already take into account your habits, preferences, and opinions that you can use to make some extra cash to fill up your wallet.

Finding the right resources to do this can be tricky, but we did some of the heavy lifting for you. Check out these handy tricks to making money that are in line with your everyday life:

Share Your Opinion and Get Rewards

Sharing your opinions on certain products can get be an easy way to make some extra cash for you and your family. Your opinions have the power to earn cash and gift cards. What’s easier than saying what you think and getting rewarded for it? Survey Junkie is a great place to start.

Pay Less for Your Housing

Cutting cost on things your guaranteed to spend money on is another way to create some extra money in your wallet. Low Income Housing Assistance can help you find affordable options for you and your family’s housing. The Department of Housing and Urban Development budgeted over 40 Billion in housing assistance for 2018, so there is a lot of opportunity out there to help you save!